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Frequently Asked Questions

Language-related Questions

The JLPT focuses on reading and listening which are purely receptive skills.

This course is providing you with the opportunity to practice writing and speaking, which are productive skills.

However, you will gain grammar and vocabulary knowledge that will definitely allow you to do better in the JLPT.

This course is meant to provide you with exposure to the language and facilitate your interactions with natives.

Everyone learns at their own pace and you will get better with practice over time!

Course-related Questions

Homework is given periodically but is not marked per se in the traditional format.

This course focuses mostly on speaking.

You will first learn by shadowing (repeating after) our Japanese teachers during the lesson.

After the lesson, you will immediately be thrown into a natural speaking environment with Japanese native speakers right after the class, which will allow you to boost your learning efficiency via the recency effect!

At the end of our intermediate course, we aim to empower you to solo travel Japan, survive there without using English, befriend Japanese people, and more!

We are not simply a Japanese course but will also expose you to Japanese culture, including history, and etiquette as you learn along the way.

Class-related Questions

We aim to have small class sizes of up to 12 students per class so that students can have closer attention from teachers as well as our Japanese language partners.

This will allow you to have more opportunities to practice speaking in class!

Our Japanese teachers are all native Japanese speakers who have majored in either Japanese education or Japanese linguistics.

Our native Japanese partners come from a range of diverse backgrounds which will allow you to immerse in realistic Japanese culture as you interact with them!

Absolutely! Hashi offers a range of courses for you to choose from! From prep course to intermediate.

To find out more about which course is most appropriate for you, please take our FREE placement test here!

Why join Hashi?

Other Japanese language schools have a strict curriculum where you learn Japanese as a second language such as studying the Mother Tongue subject in the Singapore education system.

However, Hashi is unique in that we heavily emphasise and support our learners to learn in a more naturalistic environment rather than through studying for standardised tests.

We aim to equip you with practical, real-life Japanese skills and believe that language learning should be fun! We are passionate about journeying with you in this experience.

Come join us in starting your fun-filled Japanese language learning journey today!